API dokumentatsioon


GET /api/dealer/{dealerSlug}/search

Search for cars based on various filters.


curl --location 'https://driveplot.ee/api/dealer/{dealerSlug}/search' \
--header 'X-API-Key: {dealerApiKey}'

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
cars Filter by car make IDs or make and model (e.g., "3:45"). Can be a single parameter or an array.
yearFrom Filter cars by minimum year of manufacture.
yearUntil Filter cars by maximum year of manufacture.
mileageFrom Filter cars by minimum mileage.
mileageUntil Filter cars by maximum mileage.
priceFrom Filter cars by minimum price.
priceUntil Filter cars by maximum price.
fuelType Filter cars by fuel type.
gearbox Filter cars by gearbox type.
options Filter cars by specific options.
colour Filter cars by colour.
bodyType Filter cars by body type.
drivetrain Filter cars by drivetrain type.
powerFrom Filter cars by minimum power (kW).
powerUntil Filter cars by maximum power (kW).
dealer Filter cars by dealer.

Example Response

    "content": [
            "id": "1051c713-0d97-4fd5-9afc-39b2953fa706",
            "makeId": 3,
            "make": "Ferrari",
            "modelId": 102,
            "model": "F12",
            "trim": null,
            "bodyType": "COUPE",
            "mileage": 29784,
            "fuel": "PETROL",
            "gearbox": "AUTOMATIC",
            "drivetrain": "RWD",
            "status": "PUBLISHED",
            "price": 249000,
            "priceDiscount": 199000,
            "regNr": "F12",
            "vin": "IT543894729037502",
            "colour": "Corsa Rosso",
            "colourCode": "RED",
            "engine": "6.3L V12",
            "powerKw": 544,
            "regYear": 2015,
            "regMonth": 3,
            "heroImage": "https://driveplot.ee/heroImage.jpg",
            "dealerId": "a7173b7d-dcd1-4898-be61-31579a53e908",
            "dealerName": "Dealer Name",
            "dealerSlug": "dealer-name",
            "dealerLogo": "https://driveplot.ee/dealerLogo.png"
    "pageSize": 1,
    "pageNumber": 1,
    "totalPages": 1,
    "isFirst": true,
    "isLast": true



GET /api/dealer/{dealerSlug}/offer/{offerId}

Get offer by ID.


curl --location 'https://driveplot.ee/api/dealer/{dealerSlug}/offer/{offerId}' \
--header 'X-API-Key: {dealerApiKey}'

Example Response

    "id": "offerId",
    "type": null,
    "makeId": 3,
    "make": "Ferrari",
    "modelId": 102,
    "model": "F12",
    "dealerId": "dealerId",
    "trim": null,
    "engine": "6.3L V12",
    "bodyType": "COUPE",
    "mileage": 29784,
    "fuel": "PETROL",
    "gearbox": "AUTOMATIC",
    "drivetrain": "RWD",
    "status": "PUBLISHED",
    "price": 249000,
    "priceDiscount": 199000,
    "priceHasVat": true,
    "regNr": "F12",
    "vin": "IT543894729037502",
    "colour": "Corsa Rosso",
    "colourCode": "RED",
    "powerKw": 544,
    "regYear": 2015,
    "regMonth": 3,
    "isNewCar": false,
    "options": [
    "optionsOther": [
        "Custom option 1",
        "Custom option 2"
    "description": "Description:\r\nAnother description line",
    "images": [
            "id": "uuid",
            "order": 1,
            "url": "https://driveplot.ee/image-1.jpg",
            "originalWidth": null,
            "originalHeight": null
            "id": "uuid",
            "order": 2,
            "url": "https://driveplot.ee/image-2.jpg",
            "originalWidth": null,
            "originalHeight": null


Edasimüüja markide nimekiri

GET /api/dealer/{dealerSlug}/make

Get all makes for dealer


curl --location 'https://driveplot.ee/api/dealer/{dealerSlug}/make' \
--header 'X-API-Key: {dealerApiKey}'

Example Response

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Audi"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Ferrari"
        "id": 52,
        "name": "Mercedes-Benz"
        "id": 83,
        "name": "Tesla"


Edasimüüja margi mudelite nimekiri

GET /api/dealer/{dealerSlug}/make/{makeId}/model

Get all models for make for dealer


curl --location 'https://driveplot.ee/api/dealer/{dealerSlug}/make/{makeId}/model' \
--header 'X-API-Key: {dealerApiKey}'

Example Response

        "id": 1838,
        "name": "Model 3",
        "isGroup": false